18 Disember 2012, 2.00 pagi:
Ummi rasa sakit perut, macam nak buang air besar. Sakit di 'left iliac fossa'. Ummi berusaha untuk buang air besar, tapi tak dapat. Ummi rasa ummi 'constipation'. Tapi sakit perut tu sangat sakit. Ummi sampai kejut abi. Ummi tak rasa contraction pun. Cuma sakit macam sembelit. Kesian abi kene kacau dengan ummi. Abi tepuk-tepuk dan peluk ummi je.
18 Disember 2012, 5.00 pagi:
Dari pukul 2 pagi ummi tak senang tidur. Ummi tidur dalam 5-10 minit, ummi terjaga-jaga. Tidur ummi terganggu dengan sakit perut yang tak hilang-hilang. Bermula dari 5 pagi, ummi rasa sakit perut kat left iliac fossa tu regular. setiap 20 minit sekali, tapi tak ada contraction pain. Mula pukul 5.45 pagi, ummi rasa contraction pain, dah tak de dah left iliac fossa pain. Regular, every 15 minutes. Abi rasa perut ummi, nak confirmkan contraction pain. Memang ada contraction pain. Ummi terus telefon tok dan opah di Ipoh. Mereka berjanji akan bertolak hari itu juga. Ummi tak ada siapa-siapa kat sini, kecuali abi seorang.
Ummi cek semula beg ummi dan beg irfan, takut ada tinggal barang-barang keperluan. (Ummi dan sediakan sehari sebelum irfan keluar). Lepas mandi dan solat subuh, ummi dan abi bergegas ke hospital. Sebelum bertolak ke hospital, Ummi minta abi basuhkan kurma untuk ummi untuk ummi makan, sebagai tenaga untuk melahirkan irfan nanti. Ummi makan 7 biji kurma, mengambil ibrah dari kisah Maryam dalam melahirkan Nabi Isa a.s.
Ummi dan abi tiba di hospital dalam jam 7.30 pagi. Bukaan sudah 5cm, seperti yang ummi selalu cakap-cakap dengan abi, "kalau nak bersalin nanti nak tunggu 5cm lah, nanti boleh terus masuk labour room. Tak nak masuk wad." Tapi malangnya ummi tak dapat masuk terus ke labour room macam yang ummi cita-citakan. Labour room penuh. Musim beranak agaknya. Ummi terpaksa juga transit di wad.
18 Disember 2012, 10.00 pagi:
Ummi ditolak masuk ke labour room. Ummi minta abi sentiasa berada di sisi ummi. Ummi takut, berdebar, walaupun sepanjang mengandung Ummi sentiasa amalkan surah Maryam dan Yusuf. Kalau tak sempat baca pun, ummi dengar dalam kereta on the way pergi kerja dengan harapan irfan dengar sekali.
Alhamdulillah, proses melahirkan Irfan tidaklah serumit mana. selepas 2 jam berada di labour room, ummi melahirkan Irfan dengan abi di sisi. Sebaik sahaja Irfan keluar, Irfan diazankan oleh abi. Irfan comel sangat. Mestilah, irfan kan ahli syurga, tiada dosa, sebersih kain putih. Abi dan ummi gembira dan bersyukur sangat Irfan dilahirkan sihat, tiada komplikasi, cuma tachypnic sekejap je.
18 Disember 2012, 4.00 petang:
Ummi dipindahkan ke wad selepas bersalin. Ummi, abi dan irfan. 3 orang je dalam bilik tu. Abi bayar lebih supaya ada privasi. Ummi dan abi cium-cium irfan. Ummi cuba untuk breasfeeding irfan. Tapi ummi kekok. Ummi tak pandai. Irfan pun tak pandai menghisap lagi. Ummi jadi stress. Abi cuba menenangkan ummi. Ummi serabut. Ummi menangis. Ummi takut Irfan lapar. Abi yang rasional menenangkan ummi. Tok dan opah dari Ipoh tak sampai lagi waktu tu. Ummi rasa terkapai-kapai, berdua dengan abi.
Mujurlah tok dan opah Ipoh sampai malam tu. Ummi pun rasa tenang sikit. Abi pun mesti rasa lega. Esoknya ummi keluar hospital. Kami bermalam di rumah ummi dan abi dulu. Keesokannya baru kami bertolak ke Ipoh. Sebelum tu, abi menjalankan tanggungjawabnya, buat mykid untuk irfan, pergi ke klinik kesihatan untuk bagitahu ummi akan berpantang di ipoh. Abi memang peneman setia ummi. Bila irfan jaga, dia tolong ummi. Ummi sangat sayang abi. Bila dah besar, Irfan kene dengar cakap abi ok.
Ini gambar irfan waktu irfan lahir. Abi yang ambil gambar irfan ni. Abi upload kat facebook. Banyak ucapan tahniah dan doa yang kami terima.
Nanti ummi update cerita irfan lagi. Ok irfan, jadi anak yang soleh ye!
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Kerjaya doktor sebagai satu cabang dakwah
Syukur ke hadrat ALlah, saya dibesarkan oleh keluarga dalam suasana beragama, yang saya kira merupakan nikmat terbesar yang dikurniakanNya.
Mengimbau kembali zaman ssekolah rendah saya, menyambung pelajaran ke sekolah menengah agama berasrama penuh juga merupakan cita-cita tertinggi saya ketika dalam darjah enam. Nostalgia sungguh bila diingatkan oleh ayah tentang perihal saya yang saban hari mendirikan solat hajat agar dapat 4A ( maksimum hanya 4 pada waktu itu) serta berjaya di terima masuk ke sekolah menengah agama persekutuan kajang.
Alhamdulillah, Maha Suci Allah, kedua-dua permintaan saya yang saya kira begitu spesifik dimakbulkan. Bayangkan, daripada lebih 30 sekolah berasrama penuh yang ada pada ketika itu, saya terpilih untuk masuk ke sekolah yang saya idam-idamkan tanpa menggunakan campur tangan orang-orang besar. Peluang saya dari segi matematiknya walaupun hanyalah sekecil 1/36, namun jika Dia berkhendakkan sesuatu dan berkata jadilah (Kun), maka terjadilah (fayakun) perkara tersebut. Selalulah meminta dengan ALlah dan tidak ada sesuatu yang mustahil bagi ALlah.
Di sekolah inilah saya mula belajar tentang Islam, tentang dakwah.Sewaktu di tingkatan empat, kami telah dikunjungi oleh seorang doktor yang memberikan ceramah tentang Islam. Dengan kepetahannya berhujah persis seorang ustaz, ayat-ayat Al-Quran dan hadith yang dihafalnya, saya menanam keazaman untuk menjadi sepertinya. Seorang doktor dan pada masa yang sama seorang pendakwah! Jika saya pada waktu itu boleh terkesan dengan dakwah daripada doktor tersebut, mungkin ada pada suatu hari nanti, jiwa-jiwa yang bersih yang terkesan dengan kata-kata saya suatu hari nanti. Itu niat saya pada waktu itu. Sungguh besar jasa doktor tersebut terhadap saya dan InsyaALlah saya berazam untuk menelusuri jalan yang sama.
Sememangnya kerjaya sebagai seorang doktor amat dipandang tinggi dalam masyarakat Melayu Islam di Malaysia. Dengan kedudukan tersebut, doktor adalah kelompok manusia yang kata-kata mereka mempunyai pengaruh yang tersendiri dalam masyarakat. Alangkah indahnya tatkala mana memberi saranan tentang kesihatan, pesakit diingatkan juga tentang kebergantungan kepada ALlah melalui doa dan bertawakal, setelah gigih berusaha dalam perawatan sesuatu pesakit. Inilah cabang dakwah yang boleh dimainkan oleh mereka yang bergelar doktor perubatan.
Anda ingin berdakwah di jalan ALlah? Jadikan doktor sebagai kerjaya !
Saturday, 18 August 2012
A house that we can call home
I've always wanted to have my own house, a place that I can call home.
Learning from the financial courses that I went during my university years, I know my priority, that is to have a nice house first, only then a nice car. The reason is simple, house's price appreciates while car's on the contrary depreciates. That's why I am currently contempt with 2 Protons, which have served me rather well for the past few difficult years as an House Officer in Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah. Not without grouses from others though.. "Both of you are doctors. You guys should go for the imported cars"..the usual rant we heard from others when they found out that weonly use Protons.
Living inBandaraya Kuala Terengganu where business is rather sluggish, I know that I don't really have much option. Most houses are not up to our standard (me and wifey). They are outdated designed houses if not bad ones. Yes, I have to admit there are few nice houses being built around the city centre, but the neighbourhood is usually an eye sore (kawasan setinggan).
Kuala Terengganu aside. Let's talk about Bandaraya Ipoh. The third biggest city in Malaysia. What option do I have here?
Today, I had the chance to visit Meru high hills bungalows project in Ipoh with my wife (bibi) and parents.
It's about 5 kilometres away from Meru Raya city. Development here has been very rapid in recent years. Mydin had just started their operation around June this year. A brand new Ipoh bus station are almost ready for use. New government offices are currently fully operational A rather nice place to live ehh?? One box ticked.
We'll see what Meru high hills bungalow have to offer for us. There are 3 type of houses available. Brooklyn, Chelsea and Alexandra.
The one that have caught our attention was Brooklyn. The overall house design as well as the interior is perfect. Build area for the house is around 4000 square feet. It is around 12000 square feet including the landscape garden.
Above is the illustrated picture of Brooklyn house which is much nicer in real life.
We were lucky to have a nice sale adviser available when we arrived there. We were kindly ushered in by the sale adviser named Carol.
The interior design is marvelous and we were left speechless by its beauty.
Few other boxes ticked.
What about the neighbourhood. It is a gated community with security guards. There will be around 30 similar houses there. Another boxes ticked.
Now the price tag. It is RM 1.6 million including the interior design or RM 1.2 million without.The land price is RM 45 per square feet (around RM 540 grand for the land) , which make the house alone without the gorgeous interior design stands at RM 700 grand. Should I tick the box for this one..emmmm. I don't think so.
What other alternatives available? Similar house in Kuala Terengganu would be as good. I have already managed to find a nice piece of land at Taman Chendering Utama which is about 10000 square feet. Already asked Carol whether they can can build me my house of dream in Kuala Terengganu (Brooklyn type) .Only need confirmation from her superior.
Really hope that we can have a have a house that we can call home in the near future. Amiinn..
Learning from the financial courses that I went during my university years, I know my priority, that is to have a nice house first, only then a nice car. The reason is simple, house's price appreciates while car's on the contrary depreciates. That's why I am currently contempt with 2 Protons, which have served me rather well for the past few difficult years as an House Officer in Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah. Not without grouses from others though.. "Both of you are doctors. You guys should go for the imported cars"..the usual rant we heard from others when they found out that we
Living in
Kuala Terengganu aside. Let's talk about Bandaraya Ipoh. The third biggest city in Malaysia. What option do I have here?
Today, I had the chance to visit Meru high hills bungalows project in Ipoh with my wife (bibi) and parents.
It's about 5 kilometres away from Meru Raya city. Development here has been very rapid in recent years. Mydin had just started their operation around June this year. A brand new Ipoh bus station are almost ready for use. New government offices are currently fully operational A rather nice place to live ehh?? One box ticked.
We'll see what Meru high hills bungalow have to offer for us. There are 3 type of houses available. Brooklyn, Chelsea and Alexandra.
The one that have caught our attention was Brooklyn. The overall house design as well as the interior is perfect. Build area for the house is around 4000 square feet. It is around 12000 square feet including the landscape garden.
Above is the illustrated picture of Brooklyn house which is much nicer in real life.
We were lucky to have a nice sale adviser available when we arrived there. We were kindly ushered in by the sale adviser named Carol.
The interior design is marvelous and we were left speechless by its beauty.
Few other boxes ticked.
What about the neighbourhood. It is a gated community with security guards. There will be around 30 similar houses there. Another boxes ticked.
Now the price tag. It is RM 1.6 million including the interior design or RM 1.2 million without.The land price is RM 45 per square feet (around RM 540 grand for the land) , which make the house alone without the gorgeous interior design stands at RM 700 grand. Should I tick the box for this one..emmmm. I don't think so.
What other alternatives available? Similar house in Kuala Terengganu would be as good. I have already managed to find a nice piece of land at Taman Chendering Utama which is about 10000 square feet. Already asked Carol whether they can can build me my house of dream in Kuala Terengganu (Brooklyn type) .Only need confirmation from her superior.
Really hope that we can have a have a house that we can call home in the near future. Amiinn..
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Assalamu'alaikum wbt,
When you reflect on an incident (retrospective reflection), you ask yourself questions e.g.
When someone reflects, then only he/she can improve his/her performances.
Lama sungguh jari jemari ini tidak merayap di atas papan kekunci untuk menulis sesuatu yang tidak berkaitan dengan dunia perubatan. Terasa sia-sia kemahiran touch typing yang ku miliki sekiranya tidak digunakan untuk sesuatu yang lebih bermanfaat kepada orang ramai (selain daripada menaip progress note dan discharge summary pesakit di wad) Sibuk dengan pekerjaan? Alasan karut semua itu. Nafsu dan syaitan sahaja yang menggalakkan rasa malas. Bertepuk-tepuk kegembiraan musuh manusia nombor satu itu melihat aku mengakur kalah dengan kesibukan housemanship.
Terkenang zaman medical student dahulu, subjek PPD (personal and professional development) walaupun bukanlah satu subjek yang digemari kerana anda akan dipaksa untuk memberikan pandangan dan muhasabah tentang sesuatu perkara on the spot di dalam kelas PPD in front of other people (which is so against my personality yang introvert), banyak mengajar aku untuk memuhasabah perkara-perkara yang aku lakukan sepanjang hari. Memanglah dalam Islam pun ada diajar konsep muhasabah, cuma dalam PPD ni, kita diajar untuk memuhasabah sesuatu perkara secara tersusun. Let me remind myself about what I have learnt in PPD many years back:
When you reflect on an incident (retrospective reflection), you ask yourself questions e.g.
- What happened?
- What was I trying to achieve?
- What went well and why?
- What didn’t go so well and why?
- How did it affect me?
- How did it affect others?
- What were the consequences?
- What could be done differently next time?
- Could something be learned from this?
- What learning / development needs have I identified from the event?
When someone reflects, then only he/she can improve his/her performances.
So hopefully, I can do lots and lots of reflection about my daily experiences which can benefit me, myself and others. InshaALlahu ta'ala, hopefully Allah will give me the strength to do so.
"Dan sebaik-baik manusia adalah orang yang paling bermanfaat bagi manusia.” (HR. Thabrani dan Daruquthni)."
Starting to write again
Assalamu'alaikum wbt,
Once upon a time, many years back, we both used to be in the blogging world. These blogs belong to us:
But the last time we wrote was 2007 and 2009 respectively. This blog marked our new beginning in the blogging world after becoming husband and wife in 2010. So hopefully, you will find this blog useful.
Once upon a time, many years back, we both used to be in the blogging world. These blogs belong to us:
But the last time we wrote was 2007 and 2009 respectively. This blog marked our new beginning in the blogging world after becoming husband and wife in 2010. So hopefully, you will find this blog useful.
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